Sunday 19 July 2009

6 Ranking Events

With the non-inclusion of several events for the 2009/2010 season we have 6 ranking events forthcoming which begs the question: What on earth are the WPBSA doing to promote our sport? Back in the late 70's we had an independent promoter as well as a governing body and the question should be asked whether this should be brought back into play. It makes perfect sense to drop events if they are not being sponsored or supported (Dont get me started on the sponsoring side) but it makes NO sense at all not to replace them. The top professionals need more competition and so do the newcomers to the main tour. With fewer starting points for newcomers than in recent seasons it will be that much harder to remain on the MT...and even harder with fewer events. Stand up and be counted Sir Rodney and co.

1 comment:

  1. I Agree you need compatition within a running of a sport to inspire the others.

    when the monopoly of running a sport is with 1 organisation complacensies set in and that whats happend to snooker going way back to the early 90s when everything was going like clock work.
